If current rates of plastic production continue, four times more plastic will be produced between now and 2050 than has been produced in all of history. This video, narrated by Oceana board member Sam Waterston, explains the depth of the problem and what we can do to stop it.
Produced and edited by Melissa Forsyth

Orcas are icons of the Pacific Northwest, but one population that frequents Washington's Salish Sea is struggling to survive.
Produced and edited by Melissa Forsyth

Wind and ocean currents work together in upwelling, the phenomenon of cold, nutrient-packed water pushing to the surface. It forms the basis of the ocean’s food chain that attracts marine life from dolphins to seabirds, while creating incredibly robust fishing grounds.
Produced and edited by Melissa Forsyth

Fishing gear designed to capture some of our favorite fish is threatening sea turtle survival.
In June 2015, Lauren Conrad and Oceana traveled to the Rancho Nuevo Sea Turtle Sanctuary in Mexico where the world's most endangered species, Kemp's Ridley sea turtles, come to nest on its beaches. With help from the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP), Conrad and Oceana patrolled the beaches and released hatchlings into the Gulf of Mexico where their life begins.
Visuals and editing by Melissa Forsyth

Actress Kate Mara ("House of Cards") has always been passionate about the oceans and wildlife. Now she's putting her passion to work alongside Oceana to get drift gillnets out of the water. These nets entangle and kill thousands of other non-targeted marine animals each year, including whales, dolphins and sea turtles. Watch Kate's powerful call to action.
Visuals and editing by Melissa Forsyth

Coal fired power plants have been known to emit some nasty air pollutants which can affect the nearby residents.
Kris Husted met one Virginia woman who decided to take action against a nearby plant which was emitting levels higher than EPA standards.
Visuals and editing by Melissa Forsyth.

"Ballooner" follows Maria Chieruzzi, a hot air balloon pilot. By Melissa Forsyth, ©2011

Chu Chay is a member of the Black H'mong ethnic tribe in northern Vietnam. The H'mong earn a living by selling handicrafts to the tourists that now flock to the northern region of Sapa. By Melissa Forsyth, ©2011