Cleaning stations, found in some coral reefs, are gathering places where fish clean each other in a symbiotic relationship.
Shot and edited by Melissa Forsyth
Melissa Forsyth
Cleaning stations, found in some coral reefs, are gathering places where fish clean each other in a symbiotic relationship.
Shot and edited by Melissa Forsyth
What's more dangerous than a shark? Turns out....quite a few things.
Production and editing by Melissa Forsyth.
I used a combination of footage and stills to create a parallax technique for this World Oceans Day video. Since last year's World Oceans Day, Oceana has celebrated major victories in the fight to protect marine wildlife and coastal communities around the world. In the last twelve months, we've played a pivotal role in creating the largest marine park in the Americas, banning offshore oil drilling in Belize, protecting Portugal's Gorringe Bank, getting shark fin products off GrubHub, and many more. In this video, learn why the oceans matter and what Oceana is doing to help.
Production and editing by Melissa Forsyth.
Johnny Miller retired to Fernandina Beach, Florida, after a 20-year career in the Navy. But retirement hasn’t stopped him from working. As the city’s mayor, Miller’s been one of the strongest voices opposing seismic blasting on the U.S. East Coast. Miller is an ocean acoustics expert, so he knows what’s at stake in the fight against seismic blasting in Florida.
Production and editing by Melissa Forsyth
While traveling home to San Diego and then to Portland, Oregon, Sepie Moinipanah and I shot a fun little travel video of our adventures.
A Q&A companion piece to the Oceana Lauren Conrad PSA I shot and edited in Tamaulipas, Mexico.
I shot and edited this Oceana PSA in Tamaulipas, Mexico. Seeing hundreds of sea turtle hatchlings was incredibly powerful!
Fishing gear designed to capture some of our favorite fish is threatening sea turtle survival. In June 2015, Lauren Conrad and Oceana traveled to the Rancho Nuevo Sea Turtle Sanctuary in Mexico where the world's most endangered species, Kemp's Ridley sea turtles, come to nest on its beaches.